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   Client's share their experience working with Becca....

    ".....Finding my way to Becca was much like finding a life preserver while being tossed about at sea. From my first session onward,

I have always felt safe, heard and supported and never judged. Becca is incredibly compassionate, knowledgeable and wise. She has

helped me to let go of old pain and fears, to feel into my body and emotions and to let go of self judgments. Becca believes in a mind,

body and spirit approach to healing, which I believe is vital in order for deep healing to occur. She has used a wide variety of modalities

to assist me in my quest for a happier, healthier, more grounded life. Becca has helped me to become much more empowered and to

learn how to set healthier boundaries. Our sessions have facilitated healing, improved relationships and working  through career

issues. Most importantly, she has helped me to become much more loving, accepting and supportive of myself. Working with Becca

on and off over the past three years has been one of the best gifts I have ever given myself...."

     ".....My personal experience as a client of Becca's began over three years ago. I never thought I would be one to seek out and go

regularly to a counsellor, it was the best thing I've ever done for my overall mental health and well-being. Having Becca as a counsellor

allowed me to work on myself, things that were trapping me, recognizing my unhealthy patterns, and providing me with a safe environment

for me to explore why and to change patterns within my life. Becca is one of the most warm and calm people I have ever met, she always

leads each session with ease and knowledge. As someone who has depression and anxiety, I always felt a judgement free environment and

that allowed me to explore my thoughts, behaviours and actions. I can confidently say without Becca's counselling I wouldn't be in a happy

and healthy place. I am a better mother and partner because of Becca and been able to fill my toolbox for life with all the help she provided

me over the years. Whether you are struggling in your life with personal or professional life, I assure you that Becca's professionalism and

warm personality makes for a trusting environment to help you....."       

    ".....I have been seeing Becca for the last 2 years. My motivation for starting counselling was for personal growth as I felt I had some

blind spots that were stopping me from forming intimate relationships and moving on from some long standing grief. Becca's gentle guidance

and valuable insight has helped me overcome so many hurdles that I could not work through without her support. She worked with me to

find exercises in and out of the office that were in my comfort zone and helped me cope with my unique issues. I always left feeling like it

was a productive session, that I was heard, and had tools to improve my current situation. Thanks to Becca, I am the happiest I have ever

been. Dealing with my emotional issue and improving on my destructive habits has made me a better person and moved my life down

a brighter path. I am currently engaged to a wonderful man and am less reactive to stressful situations. I highly recommend Becca and her services to anyone considering counselling or wants to improve their overall quality of life...."                                                                                                         ​

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